

This helpful resource from the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberland outlines what you need to know about getting a divorce.

This resource from Memphis Area Legal Services provides useful information on how to get an agreed divorce in Tennessee using the Pro Se Divorce forms.

Divorce Forms:

Find divorce forms that are approved by the Tennessee Supreme Court and approved in any Tennessee county below:

Divorce Forms - No Children - Fill out by typing on your own (PDF/Word)

Divorce Forms - With Children - Fill out by typing on your own (PDF/Word)

Get help filling out these forms online with the HELP4TN Bot. You will need to create an account to keep all your information private. HELP4TN Bot will ask you questions and help you fill out the forms. Once you create an account and log in, HELP4TN Bot will show you a video so you can learn how it works. To get started, click here.

Chat Bots:

Filling out Tennessee’s free divorce forms can be a challenge. Family Champion is a bot that can help you. Family Champion turns the process into a straight forward interview. The bot will ask you questions and you can either type your answers or speak to the bot. After you’ve answered all of the bot’s questions, it will provide you with complete divorce forms that are ready to print.

This chat bot can also help never married parents complete a parenting plan.

Additionally, it can provide users with information about their rights in family law matters.

Social Services:

For help by phone, dial 211 for Tennessee’s community services help line or visit the 211 website.

Kid Central is a one-stop shop for Tennessee families to connect with important information and resources provided by Tennessee state departments.


These videos, supplied by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, provide general legal information about getting divorced in Tennessee. This information is available in both English and Spanish.

Legal Help or Representation:

If you are in Tennessee, the website, Free Legal Answers, allows you to ask a lawyer for help with a legal issue at no cost. It is fast and easy, and all you need is a computer. This is a FREE service for people who cannot afford a lawyer.