State Legislation

The clickable map allows you to review the UAGA and Determination of Death legislation in each state. These state laws facilitate organ and tissue donation commitments and make transplants happen.

The Alliance Resource Section

Hover over each state to access links to official government websites hosting electronic versions of state and federal laws pertaining to anatomical gift laws, determination of death laws and online registries. All citations are to laws and regulations posted on the linked websites as of the date the site was last visited for the purposes of compiling this section of the Toolbox (i.e. through August 2023). In some instances, we have been able to link only to the website home page. In those cases, we have provided navigation instructions to assist you in locating the cited law/regulation.

These links may not remain current as states revise their websites and codes. If the link is broken, cut and paste the link into your browser’s address line. If the link still does not work, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] .

Please note: Laws (and linked websites) change and your use of the information in this section is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use.

This section has been reviewed and updated as of August 2023.

Not Pictured