Applied Science and Patent Examination Group (SP)

After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit

31 May 2024

Apply to join the SP Group delegation to the PIPSC 2024 AGM

Applications are due by 5:00pm EST on June 28, 2024. The PIPSC 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is taking place in person and/or virtual November …

29 April 2024

SP election results are in!

The SP Executive election committee has verified the results for the 2024 elections. The following candidates have been elected to our group executive, and will take office at the first executive meeting taking place on June 14th 2024: ● Kevin Jacobs

11 April 2024

SP Newsletter #4

The SP Executive continues to be busy in 2024 as we monitor the implementation of the new Collective Agreement, and look forward to the upcoming Federal Election and what that means for our membership.

4 March 2024

SP Bargaining Update # 15: Implementation update

Implementation details for the SP Group collective agreement are available, along with more details on several issues surrounding the $2500 signing bonus.

28 February 2024

Election Voter's Kit 2024

Voters Kit for the 2024 Election to the SP Group Executiv 31 January 2024

SP Bargaining Update # 14: Your new collective agreement

The SP Group collective agreement is now on the PIPSC website. Click to read more details, including confirmed implementation dates.

10 January 2024

SP Group executive call for nominations

Submit your nomination for available union leadership roles by February 12, 2024. 11 December 2023

SP Bargaining Update #13 - The Collective Agreement has been signed.

Treasury Board and PIPSC have signed the collective agreement, and the implementation has begun. More details, including approximate dates, can be found in the full article.

6 November 2023

SP Bargaining Update #12 - You voted in favour of a new collective agreement!

The Applied Science and Patent Examination Group (SP) Bargaining Team is proud to announce that you have voted in favour of a new collective agreement!

16 October 2023

SP Vote on the SP Group Tentative Agreement – October 30, 2023

Your SP Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that on September 22, 2023, we reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board to conclude this round of collective bargaining.

25 September 2023

SP Bargaining Update # 11 - With a signed tentative agreement, the finish line is in sight!!

A tentative agreement has been signed and will be presented to the members once the translation is available. Click through to the full article to see some highlights.

3 August 2023

Summary of Pay Proposals

Your SP Group Bargaining Team met twice with the employer; at the end of June, and again at the beginning of July. During those meetings, the pay proposals were exchanged and negotiated.

26 July 2023

SP Bargaining Update # 10 - The last 5% is the hardest

Your SP Group Bargaining Team met twice with the employer at the end of June and beginning of July. A great deal of progress has been made, however there is still work left that needs to be done.

5 July 2023

SP Executive Newsletter # 3

SP Executive Newsletter # 3 March and April have been very busy months for the SP Group, with meetings for Bargaining, the SP AGM, SP Executive meeting, Lunch & Learns, and a Western Zonal meeting for SP Sub Group Presidents.

8 June 2023

SP Call for Nominations - SP Executive BC/ Yukon Representative By-election

Consider being part of the SP Group Executive! 1 June 2023

SP Group Bargaining Update #9: Dude, where’s my data?

Your SP Group Bargaining Team met with the employer from May 16th-18th. Despite some difficulties in getting data from the employer, good progress was made.

29 May 2023

Apply to join the SP Group delegation to the PIPSC 2023 AGM

The PIPSC 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is taking place in person and/or virtual November 26 to 29, in Montreal, Quebec. If you’re interested in joining the SP Group delegation, fill out the application form sent by email before 5:00pm EST on June 9, 2023.

11 May 2023

Saskatoon Area Social Event!

Hello, You’re invited to enjoy a social event and some appetizers with your colleagues from the Saskatoon Area! This is an excellent chance to network and enjoy an evening out with other SP Group members from around Saskatoon and area.

5 April 2023

Bargaining Update #8 - Treasury Board is Just Not that Into You

While TBS may not be interested in your needs when it comes to your collective agreement, your bargaining team remains committed to getting you a better deal. If you’ve had five dates, and you aren’t feeling the love, they just aren’t that interested.

14 February 2023

Bargaining Update # 7 - Let there be chaos

While the environment, both weather and bargaining, is all over the place, your bargaining team is cutting through the chaos, focused on getting you a better deal.

6 January 2023

SP Executive Newsletter #2

SP Executive Newsletter #2 Hello SP Group Members! We would like to welcome in the New Year with you, and provide a few highlights of recent activity for our Group.

9 December 2022

SP Bargaining Update #6 - A Time for giving??

The holidays are coming and while your SP Bargaining team isn’t sneaking into your houses through the chimney to give presents, neither are we showing up with lumps of coal.

26 October 2022

SP Newsletter - Fall 2022

Hello! Welcome to our first newsletter for SP members! We want this to be YOUR newsletter, and we welcome your ideas and suggestions about what you would like to see here! Keep in touch with us at:

12 October 2022

SP Bargaining Update #5 - Bargaining Priorities

The SP bargaining team met with the Treasury Board in early October, and so far progress is good. From October 4 to 6, your bargaining team met face to face with the Treasury Board to continue the process of negotiations.

22 September 2022

Exchange of bargaining proposals between the SP Group and Treasury Board 2022

Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the SP Group and Treasury Board. 22 September 2022

SP bargaining update #4 – Let the bargaining begin!

Show management that you support your bargaining team by changing your Zoom or Teams background. 15 September 2022

SP Executive Meeting Minutes - June 3, 2022

MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP 15 August 2022

SP Executive Meeting Minutes - April 29, 2022

MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP April 29 2022 / 29 avril 2022

15 August 2022

SP Executive Meeting Minutes - January 28, 2022


SP Executive Meeting Minutes - November 26, 2021

MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting (#2)/ Rencontre de l’exécutif SP (#2) November 26 2021 / 26 novembre 2021

15 August 2022

SP Executive Meeting Minutes - September 24, 2021

MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting (#1) / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP (#1) September 24, 2021 / 24 septembre 2021

20 May 2022

SP election results are in!

The SP Executive election committee has verified the results for the 2022 elections. The following candidates have been elected to our group executive, and will take office at the First executive meeting taking place on June 3rd 2022:

18 May 2022

Apply to join the SP Group delegation to the PIPSC 2022 AGM

Applications are due June 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM ET. 14 April 2022

We don’t talk about the weather

The SP Bargaining Team has been looking closely at our current collective agreement in light of the survey results, known issues needing resolution, and our demands from the last bargaining round. We are well prepared to work on our proposal package when we meet again.