Proposals to redevelop the Belstead House site on the edge of Ipswich with 155 new homes and a 65-bed care home have prompted concern among local residents in Pinewood.
A number of objections have been lodged with Babergh Council – the planning authority for the area – and will be presented to members of the planning committee which will be discussing the proposal in the spring.
Developer Rural Community Housing Limited has submitted a planning application to Babergh Council for a major redevelopment of the house and the land near it.
Belstead House itself would be converted into four large homes to be sold on the open market.
Of the 155 homes, 44 would be for sale or rent on the open market, the rest would be affordable. The developer is looking at a predominantly over-50s age group for the new homes.
However residents have contacted local district and county councillor David Busby, a Liberal Democrat, to express their concerns about the proposals.
Mr Busby is a member of the committee that will have to make the final decision on the proposal, so he is keeping an open mind on it – but he is urging residents to write to the council to make their views known.
He said: “There are two major issues here. The future of the meadows themselves and the issue of traffic. There is a great deal of concern.
“I do have worries about the amount of development being considered in the area – as well as Belstead House we have the new vets centre going up near Suffolk One, the new store that Aldi wants to build there, new offices for Fred Olsen, the huge Chantry Vale development and the sugar beet factory site.
“I don’t think the roads can deal with all the traffic that would be generated from there.”
Mr Busby’s concerns were echoed by Labour activist David Plowman who said many people were concerned that the proposals could lead to many cul de sacs being turned into through roads – and that there would be increased traffic around the whole Pinewood area.
He added: “Also there would be no nearby facilities for the residents, no shops and no plans for bus stops in the area – the development looks good in some ways but you need these services as well.”
The application is due to be discussed in detail by Pinewood Parish Council at an open meeting at the community hall at 7.30pm on Monday week, January 12.